Mobile County Commission Seeks Proposals for Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
Posted on: Sep 27th, 2021 | COVID-19AnnouncementsPress ReleasesFeatured News
MOBILE COUNTY, Ala. (Sept. 27, 2021) – Commissioners Merceria Ludgood, Connie Hudson and Randall Dueitt seek proposals from agencies, nonprofit organizations, private entities and local governments for project funding through Mobile County’s $80.26 million American Rescue Plan Act allocation.
The deadline for priority consideration of proposal submissions is 5 p.m. Oct. 25, 2021.
This allocation comes from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. These funds will be used to continue the County’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic while investing in initiatives for a strong economic recovery and reducing demand for state taxpayer dollars used for recovery efforts.
PDFs of the application, eligibility requirements and other information related to the proposal submission are available at Printed copies of the proposal submission form and eligibility rules are available by calling 251-574-INFO.
To be considered for funding, proposed projects must be focused on or located in Mobile County and demonstrate they are an allowable use under American Rescue Plan Act guidance. Submitted proposals will be reviewed by Mobile County for fiscal impact, eligibility, and alignment with County priorities.
Mobile County held a virtual training session* to discuss the funding and application process on Oct. 8, 2021. CLICK HERE to view the 51-minute webinar recording of that session. The webinar recording and presentation slides are posted on the Mobile County Commission's American Rescue Plan Act web page.
For questions about the application form or to request more information about the submission acceptance process, please email
*edited 10-12-2021 to insert webinar recording
*edited 09-29-2021 to insert webinar registration link
*edited 05-09-2022 to correct the allocation dollar amount, a preliminary number was used in the original release. Mobile County's allocation from the US. Department of Treasury is $80.26 million.