Public Notice: New Solid Waste Management Facility Application
Posted on: Jan 28th, 2025 | Announcements
Pursuant to § 22-27-48.1, Code of Alabama (1975), public notice is hereby provided that the Mobile County Commission has received an application for local approval of new solid waste management facility. The Commission will consider the siting of a new solid waste management facility in Mobile County, Alabama which facility and location are further described below.
To review a copy of both the local Solid Waste Management Plan and the application, please visit, during normal business hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the location referenced below:
Mobile County Environmental Services
Mobile Government Plaza 7th Floor, South Tower
205 Government Street
Mobile, AL 36644
Permit Application for Construction and Demolition Disposal at the proposed Emerald Coast Landfill. The site is located in the southwest quadrant of Section 7, Township 6 South, Range 2 West within the legal boundaries of unincorporated Mobile County. It is north of Highway 90 and south of I-10. It is east of Highway 39. Access to the site is off of County Farm Road. Previous use of the existing site has predominately been as a sand/clay borrow pit. It will be owned and operated by TIGS Holdings, LLC. The application for this permit is consistent with the Mobile County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan.
The local governing body shall make a discretionary decision to approve or disapprove the siting of the new facility. In determining whether to approve the siting of the new solid waste management facility, the local governing body shall consider the following criteria, outlined by § 22-27-48(c), Code of Alabama (1975):
- The consistency of the proposal with solid waste management needs as identified in the solid waste management plan.
- The relationship of the proposal to local planned or existing development or the absence thereof, to major transportation arteries and to existing state primary and secondary roads.
- The location of a proposed facility in relationship to existing industries in the state that generate large volumes of solid waste, or the relationship to the areas projected for development of industries that will generate solid waste.
- Costs and availability of public services, facilities and improvements required to support a proposed facility and protect public health, safety, and the environment.
- The impact of a proposed facility on public safety and provisions made to minimize the impact on public health and safety.
- The social and economic impacts on the affected community, including changes in property values, and social or community perception.
The application and approval process as provided in § 22-27-48.1, Code of Alabama (1975), is as follows:
January 27, 2025 – Mobile County Commission formally received the application, approved the Public Comment Period, Public Hearing and Public Awareness Meeting dates and advertisements. Within 10 days notice shall be provided to adjacent property owners via certified mail and to general public via, newspaper, public service announcements, and on the Mobile County Commissions’ website,
March 5, 2025, 6:00 p.m. – Public Awareness Meeting held at the Tillman’s Corner Community Center, 5055 Carol Plantation Road, Tillman’s Corner, Alabama 36619, during which the applicant shall provide general information on the proposal and address questions and concerns of the affected community. Members of the public may submit written questions or comments germane to the proposal.
April 14, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – Public Hearing and Public Comment Review at the Mobile County Commission Chambers, 205 Government Street, 1ST Floor, Mobile, Alabama 36644. The public may submit written comments at any time up to the conclusion of the hearing. The local governing body shall have thirty (30) days following the Public Hearing to make its decision to approve or disapprove the proposal.
If the application is approved, applicant shall petition the Circuit Court of Mobile County, Alabama for a determination pursuant to § 22-27-48.1(i), Code of Alabama (1975), of whether the proper requirements and time frames were complied with, whether such approval is consistent with the solid waste management plan, and whether the proper criteria was considered.
All interested persons seeking to obtain additional information, to review a copy of the local solid waste management plan and the application are asked to please contact:
Ms. Tina Sanchez
Environmental Services Director
Telephone: (251) 574-3229
Interested can obtain or can review copies of both the local solid waste management plan and the application, and the time frame for public hearings and involvement at the following address:
Environmental Services Department
Mobile County Commission
205 Government Street
7TH Floor, South Tower
Mobile, Alabama 36644
The public may submit written comments to the governing body via email or regular mail to the following:
Ms. Tina Sanchez
Environmental Services Director
Environmental Services Department
Mobile County Commission
205 Government Street
7TH Floor, South Tower
Mobile, Alabama 36644