Freezing Weather | County Roadways
Posted on: Jan 15th, 2024 | AnnouncementsPress ReleasesFeatured NewsRoad Closures
MOBILE COUNTY, Ala. – Freezing conditions and precipitation are expected in the early morning hours on Tuesday, Jan. 16.
If conditions warrant, Mobile County is prepared to salt bridges in affected areas.
Motorists are advised to limit travel while ice may be present on roadways.
Ice forms more quickly on bridges than on roadways because cold air surrounds the structure from above and below and because bridges retain less heat than roads. Sanding or salting bridges helps increase traction, but drivers should take extra care on roadways in icy conditions.
If travelling cannot be avoided, motorists are urged to use caution during icy conditions: drive slowly, accelerate and decelerate slowly, increase distance between vehicles (AAA recommends at least five car lengths), take care while braking, and stay alert on bridges. For more winter driving safety tips, visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the National Weather Service/NOAA.