Dec. 13 and 14: Temporary Road Closure of Johnson Road West in West Mobile County
Posted on: Dec 9th, 2021 | AnnouncementsFeatured NewsRoad Closures

MOBILE COUNTY, Ala. -- Johnson Road West in west Mobile County will be TEMPORARILY CLOSED on Monday, Dec. 13 and Tuesday, Dec. 14 as Alabama Power crews perform work to clear trees and relocate power lines within their right of way.
Because the road is too narrow for both Alabama Power’s equipment and vehicular traffic, Mobile County Engineering has agreed to a temporary road closure of Johnson Road West just north of the existing bridge for the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 13 and Tuesday, Dec. 14. This should minimize travel inconvenience and not interfere with school traffic.
As indicated in the attached graphic, a temporary detour will reroute traffic via Airport Boulevard, Snow Road and Jeff Hamilton Road during the hours work will be performed.