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Grant Award Levels

Time-Banking Grant Award Levels


Team Members $500 Grant - Hrs Needed Avg Hrs/ Person Avg Hrs/Person/ Month/4 Months
1-5 50 16.67 4.17
6-10 130 16.25 4.06
11-15 210 16.15 4.04
16-20 290 16.11 4.03
21-30 305 11.96 2.99
31+ 425 11.97 2.99


Team Members $1,000 Grant - Hrs Needed Avg Hrs/ Person Avg Hrs/Person/ Month/8 Months
1-5 95 31.67 3.96
6-10 255 31.88 3.98
11-15 415 31.92 3.99
16-20 575 31.94 3.99
21-30 615 24.12 3.01
31+ 850 23.94 2.99


Team Members $1,500 Grant - Hrs Needed Avg Hrs/ Person Avg Hrs/Person/ Month/12 Months
1-5 145 48.33 4.03
6-10 385 48.13 4.01
11-15 625 48.08 4.01
16-20 865 48.06 4
21-30 920 36.08 3.01
31+ 1280 36.06 3

All grant awards listed above require an average of 3-4 hours per team member per month. These averages are meant to keep teams regularly engaged in the program, yet do not require an excessive time commitment. The grant awards are also divided out to be easily obtainable within 4, 8 or 12-month time periods, but can be accomplished in less time.